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'Just for a Moment!’ [Mindjárt, egy pillanat!] 
The project is funded by the European Regional and Development Fund as part of Urban Innovative Actions. 
Staff: playwrite-dramaturge: Júlia Róbert; intership: Zsófi Kocsonya; music: Roman Bognar; Choreographer: Juli Garai; space and costume design: Gabriella Kiss; Photo: Vera Éder; participatory expert-directors: András Sereglei and Viktor Bori; production manager: Balázs Erős
Budapest, MU Theatre 2022.

Are communities present in the life of 21st-century man? Or do we prefer to exist in the world on our own, alone, given the modern way of life? How has the enforced isolation of the COVID era and the rise of the digital world changed all this? When does being alone become private?


These and similar questions started the eight-month creative process with MU Theatre's company of retired people: GHT and the Nemes Nagy Ágnes Art High School students.


The collective reflections resulted in stories, fictional stories of their own and eerily similar to reality, all telling the story of how loneliness and solitude appear in the lives of a modern-day pensioner and a high school student. How can young and old connect?


The actors are Gyula Fullár, Mari Gárdos, László Horváth, Lászlóné Jutka Horváth, Eszter Jenes, Erzsébet Kabai, Mari Kaposvári, Károly Kiss, Marianne Konkoly Thege, Ágnes Kovács, Zsóka Ladányi, Katalin Radvánszki, Anni Radvánszki, Judit Rozváczy, Katalin Terék, Gabriella Velancsics


Balla Kiara Priscilla, Berta Diána, Károly Barnabás, Kiss Lóránt, Orbán Ferenc, Pozsik Hunor, Sóki Lilla Ágota, Szabó Fanni, Szalai Ádám, Vörös Szamóca Eszter

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