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The Missing Classmate [A hiányzó padtárs]
Complex  ARS (The Participant's Theatre) programme for 14-18 years old.  
This project is made by the cooperation of the Kava Theatre Association, the A.H.P. Association, the Sociologists of the  AnBlokk Association and young Romany amateur actors.
Director: András Sereglei, Dramaturg: Bori Sebok
Premier: 2011.

The temporary theatre company for this programme was established in 2011 by drama teachers, sociologists, and amateur Roma actors who featured their own life stories on stage. That means the theatrical scenes were born from the improvisations of the actors, based on their real experiences of their life. The programme deals with the themes of solidarity, competition and school selection by displaying urban and school life-stories. Difficult, "crisis" life situations come to our minds, with possible solutions being shared with the participating students of the programme.

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