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Medea -Ancient Heroines from the 21th century. IV. series [Médeia - antik hősnők XXI. századi szemmel]
Military Base, Zsámbék
The performance is made by the Kompánia Theatre Association. The story is based on the drama of Euripides: Medea and Árpád Göncz: Hungarian Medea. The theatrical performance was based on Euripides's and Árpád Göncz's texts and improvisations by the band.
Director: László Lukács
Premier: August 2007.
Photos: Gabriella Kiss
Medea is an immigrant in a civilized country, where he could finally find peace with his family, but his husband's betrayal is certified by the "normal" society. His otherness, primarily his categorical thinking, and his ancient knowledge with other cultural codes are fearful for the local community, and they see an obsessed barbarian, an avoidable danger and a parasitic wanderer. She finds shelter in the ghetto of the city, in truly barbaric circumstances and she becomes outlawed, politically persecuted, with other elements who are waiting to deport from a civilized culture and cannot be integrated into this culture. The story takes place in this ghetto in the dump of the ruling civilization.
(Source of the text:, László Lukács)
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